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Torrent: HADES - AGAIN SHALL BE (1994/2022) [MP3@320] [FALLEN ANGEL]
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Data: 23-09-2024
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Hades powstał w 1992 roku w Bergen i pod tą nazwą działał przez pierwsze sześć lat, zanim zmienił nazwę na Hades Almighty. W tym czasie nagrał dwa albumy, z których pierwszy to „…Again Shall Be”. Już wtedy odczuwali dyskomfort związany z tym, że nie są jedynym zespołem o tej nazwie, dlatego okładka, pod logiem, informuje, że chodzi o Hades norweski. A to, że tak właśnie jest bezsprzecznie potwierdza też muzyka, głęboko osadzona w klimacie północnego black metalu lat dziewięćdziesiątych.

Jeszcze przed rozpoczęciem działalności Hades, najbardziej aktywny w black metalowym podziemiu był gitarzysta i klawiszowiec Jørn Tunsberg. Nie tylko grał w Old Funeral i Immortal, ale także, wraz z Vargiem Vikernesem, brał udział w spaleniu kościoła w Åsane, za co później odsiedział dwa lata więzienia. Hades od początku był więc zespołem, który nie wziął się znikąd, lecz swoją wartość szybko potwierdzili wysokiej klasy albumem. „…Again Shall Be” to black metal wściekły i przepełniony nienawiścią, ale jednocześnie płynny i uduchowiony. Już początkowy, instrumentalny „Pagan Triumph” przywołuje na myśl kołysząca atmosferę Bathory i jest to klimat, który powraca także w następnych utworach. Brzmienie jednak jest brudne i szorstkie, co w połączeniu z wyłaniającymi się z niego melodiami, daje efekt plastyczności i wręcz epickości, podsycany pojawiającą się okazjonalnie gitarą akustyczną oraz klawiszowym tłem. Zwłaszcza, znajdujące się pod koniec, Glorious Again The Northland Shall Become” i „Be-Witched” są wolne i ciągnące się wzniosłymi czarnymi pasażami, ale pełna dostojności i majestatycznej proweniencji jest, bez wyjątku, cała płyta. Na koniec zaś podano klawiszowo-orkiestralny kawałek „In The Moonless Sky”, który wieńczą kraczące ptaszyska.

Mrok, mróz, las i góry to naturalne środowisko dla black metalu Hades i w taki właśnie świat zabiera nas „…Again Shall Be”. Nieprzyjemny, skrzekliwy wokal, spaja się z muzyką i podobnie jak gitary, snuje swoją złowrogą i nieświętą pieśń. Zalega niczym mgła nad zasnutymi cieniem dolinami i rozbrzmiewa echem, wypełniając noc krzykiem urażonej dumy i pragnienia wolności. „Take my soul to where the falcons fly. To the gates of triumph. Forever free.”


What an exciting time was in Norway back in the early / mid 90’s! I don’t necessarily mean the criminal aspects – although they surely gave a lot of attention to the whole scene and they’re to be blamed for the bad or good press and the eruption of new trend. But let’s put aside all that ideological matters, however important they were and also despite their influence on creating the special spirit to the whole scene. But, when writing it was exciting time, I mainly meant the musical aspects of Norwegian black metal. All in all, so many truly amazing and great albums have been recorded at that time! And many I can call cult, because they deserve it, also because almost every band had something unique to offer and had original sound and style each. Hades from Bergen was one of such special nocturnal hordes for sure. They may have came quite late, as the band was formed in 1992 – before Jorn played in Old Funeral and had an episode in Immortal, and I think Hades was formed after Old Funeral split up. Anyway, the band quickly proved to be one of the most special Norwegian bands, first with their classic demo “Alone Walkyng”, followed by utterly classic and cult debut album “…Again Shall Be”, which for me is of the very best Norwegian black metal albums of all time. It has everything; great sound, great playing and riffs, killer cold and dark atmosphere… and history behind it.

I love the opening, instrumental track, which is so damn epic and monumental, so atmospheric at the same time… It is obviously strongly influenced by the great and only Bathory, but at the same time it is unique, as Hades is a unique band. When I listen to “Pagan Triumph” I also realize how awesome is the production of the whole album… killer, raw guitar tone, drums, which sound like thunder... I really can’t think of ANY other Norwegian or whatever band, which would have a sound like “…Again Shall Be”. And that says a lot about how excellent and exceptional this LP is. But going further, we have amazing anthem called “Hecate (Queen of Hades)”, which is just… again, damn monumental and majestic, but also dark and angry. This time I also notice fantastic vocals of Janto, whose shrieking and harsh voice fits this music perfectly (he also uses clean vocals in some parts, which also fit the style of Hades music brilliantly) and also some great guitar harmonies, which make the whole album sound even more interesting.

And you know, I’ve been knowing this album since probably 1996, when I got it on cassette and damn, I still can’t get enough of it, I still think that every song on it is just perfect. It never gets boring, it excites me every time I listen to it! Such “The Ecstasy of an Astral Journey” for example – what a fantastic song, there are some riffs in it, which give me so much power and goose skin, plus those keyboards and acoustic guitars and screams of Janto... it is absolutely amazing and essential Norsk epic black metal. Damn, people praise Immortal, when they play some Bathory like stuff, but for me Immortal is not even half as good as Hades on their early albums. Another truly outstanding and my favourite song is the title track… again the riffs are memorable, heavy and the atmosphere is just perfect. Then there’s “Unholy Congregation”, one of the most aggressive songs here, but again so memorable, with quite catchy, but raw and obscure riffs. In my opinion Hades managed to find a secret way to compose monumental, but aggressive, harsh but memorable songs – something what is quite rare or almost feels impossible to do. More so, they had many fantastic ideas, incorporated some brilliant acoustic and drum patterns or whatever motifs into their songs, which only make them sound more incredible than they already did. And another awesome example for that is “Glorious Again the Northland Shall Become”, filled with acoustics and other stuff...

There’s simply not a bad song here, not a single boring moment. I know that things like a perfect record do not exist, but damn… “…Again Shall Be” is just as close to it as not many other LPs. And truly along with “De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas”, “In the Nightside Eclipse”, “Vikingligr Veldi”, “Under the Funeral Moon”, “Bergtatt”, “Borknagar”, “The Shadowthrone” and few others, this is a classic LP, which stands pride as a legendary now. Absolute must to have for sure.

dismember marcin

I've had this album for about 6 years (roughly, the last decades been blurry), and this just never gets old for me. This is surely one of the best debuts of its era. I'd also go so far as to say this is one of the greatest albums of the early, mid-90's Norwegian scene hands down (hence its score). Recorded in Greighallen June/July '94 with engeneering, and production credits going out to Pytten (killer producer, one of the best), and some guy named David, and with this the sound of a genre was perfected. This is Viking Black Metal the way it was meant to be played. Seriously, if your a fan of Enslaved, Helheim, or Isengard I'm pretty sure you'll love this.

For the most part, this music is melodicly charged excellence. Thanks first to an awesome producer/production, and secondly to great musicians who had undenible ability. The songs really are able to capture a distinct Viking feel,... one crafted through reverence, and enhanced by intelligence. Just amazing structures weaving through perfect riff progressions, drowned in melodic dramatics, and layers offering one's pallete to either search through, or as a grand cloaking background to mentally drop out into. You know, for the guitar tone alone this rises above the fields of half ass, lame bands today, or then. The clean vocals are utillized much like the drums here (and keys which are very limitedly used), meaning they are there more to accent melodicly the rythms put forth, instead of being used as a lead element. The Blackend vocals are equally awesome as any aspect on here seems to me, and really capture a powerfully independent feel.

Every instrument is mixed perfectly, and was produced/recorded by very talented people. From the drums with their a-typical beats, and highly amped up presence, giving a feel of what it would sound like if Thor drew his hammer and had to crush some giants, to the guitars whose rythms, and melodic arrangements give off imagery of vast, snow covered Viking realms of fire, and ice... battle, and victory,... death, and glory. Every song on here is like a war march (well except for the outro-In the moonless sky, which is all keys).

In closing I'd just like to touch on a few thoughts again:
This has melodic structures built upon melodic structures, all of which drift through powerfull rythm progressions, and at base contain the essence of Viking Metal. This has truelly capable musicians who obviously had unique visions, and were talented enough to not only put it down in song, but excell at that. Undoubtedly one of the best products to come from their scene (which competition was tough to say the least), and one which didnt quite get the recognition it deserved. I'd recommend this to all fans of BM, and is essential to fans of Viking Black Metal. Actually, theres not too many other BM albums I'd recommend over this. Get this classic. Now.

Danthrax Nasty

1. Pagan Triumph   03:41
2. Hecate (Queen of Hades)   04:06
3. The Ecstacy of an Astral Journey   06:38
4. An Oath Sworn in Bjorgvin   04:54
5. Again Shall Be   04:41
6. The Spirit of an Ancient Past   06:06
7. Unholy Congregation   05:22
8. Glorious Again the Northland Shall Become   06:53
9. Be-Witched   06:24
10. In the Moonless Sky   05:05

Bonus Tracks:
'Alone Walkyng' demo from 1993
11. Unholy Congregation   06:09
12. Hecate (Queen of Hades)   04:20
13. Alone Walkyng   10:03

... Again Shall Be:
Stig Hagenes - Guitars (track 5)
Remi Andersen - Drums, Percussion
Janto Garmanslund - Vocals, Bass, Keyboards
Jørn Inge Tunsberg - Guitars, Keyboards

'Alone Walkyng' demo from 1993:
Jørn Inge Tunsberg - Guitars, Vocals
Janto Garmanslund - Vocals (lead), Bass
Wilhelm Nagel - Guitars
Remi Andersen - Drums

SEED 14:30-23:00.



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