Chyba nie powinno być zaskoczeniem, że tak udana trasa jak ta promująca Nakręcane Anioły doczekała się swojej dokumentacji i to na różnych nośnikach. Zresztą ostatnio Rush wszystkie swoje trasy traktuje podobnie, a do tego od czasu do czasu dorzuca trochę archiwaliów. Lata lecą, do emerytury coraz bliżej, trzeba się jakoś na starość zabezpieczyć finansowo. Ale kiedy zobaczyłem granatowo-niebieską okładkę, to się ucieszyłem. A kiedy zobaczyłem, że jest to trzy płyty, to ucieszyłem się jeszcze bardziej, bo wiedziałem, że najpewniej będzie to cały koncert.
- To nie to – Agnieszka krótko podsumowała „Clowork Angels Tour”, mając w pamięci czerwcowy koncert tria w berlińskiej hali O2. Jasne, że nie to. Koncert jest optymalną forma obcowania z muzyką, ale nie zawsze i nie wszystko da się pooglądać na żywo. Zwykle jesteśmy skazani na muzykę „z puszki”. Bo przecież sam koncert to nie tylko sama muzyka. To adrenalina, emocje. To jeszcze sama wyprawa, atmosfera swego rodzaju święta, czasem spotkania ze znajomymi, potem gasną światła, słychać wrzaski, gwizdy, aż wreszcie ten pierwszy dźwięk ze sceny…
O samym zestawie utworów to nie ma się co wypowiadać – tak jak już napisałem w relacji z czerwcowego występu – mokry sen fana Rush młodszej generacji, który zaczynał ich słuchać w latach osiemdziesiątych. I dokładnie te same numery, które zamiotły publicznością w Berlinie, tu też wypadły najlepiej – czyli „Spirit of The Radio”, „Manhattan Project”, „Tom Sawyer”, czy „YYZ”. Pewnie jakbym dodał jeszcze „Subdivisions”, „Red Sector A” czy „The Big Money”, to się chyba nikt nie obrazi. O, byłbym zapomniał – nowe utwory – w Berlinie było ogólnie tak sobie/nieźle momentami dobrze, a tutaj jest naprawdę dużo lepiej. Przynajmniej połowa tego seta jest na bardzo dobrym poziomie. I nie będę wnikał czy coś tu studio pomogło czy nie. Chociaż na pewno nagrania z CAT podszlifowano w studiu – na przykład dograno chórki w „Wish Them Well”.
„Clowork Angels Tour” to dla mnie przede wszystkim wspomnienie niesamowitego, czerwcowego wieczoru. Próbuję nie oceniać tego żywca przez pryzmat koncertu z Berlina. Ale, kurde, nie da się… Zapomnieć o jednym z lepszych rockowych show, jakie widziałem? Dlatego podszedłem do zagadnienia z nieco innej strony – jako, że nie byłem w stanie ocenić tego albumu li tylko pod kątem muzyki, postanowiłem skupić się na czymś innym. Byłem ciekaw ile z tej koncertowej magii ostanie się na samej blaszce z muzyką. Szczerze mówiąc – niewiele. Ale dobrze, że coś w ogóle. I chyba więcej się nie da. Berliński show zapamiętałem przede wszystkim jako niesamowicie dynamiczne przedstawienie – zespół zaczął od „Subdivisions”, dwa numery później było „Force Ten”, czyli nomen-omen – 10 w skali Beauforta, a potem tylko podkręcał tempo. Płyta też to oddaje – „Clowork Angels Tour” to jedna z bardziej energicznych i energetycznych koncertówek tria. Dokładnie z takim samym wykopem wymiatali na scenie. A może nawet jeszcze większym. Dlatego na pewno warto tego posłuchać.
Trochę technikaliów: Nagrania pochodzą z kilku amerykańskich koncertów z listopada 2012 roku – Phoenix 25.11, Dallas 28.11 i San Antonio 30.11. Tak jak sam koncert, tak i to wydawnictwo podzielone jest na trzy części – na pierwszej płycie są utwory starsze, przede wszystkim z lat osiemdziesiątych. Potem była przerwa i zaczynała się druga część, czyli najnowsze utwory z „Clockwork Angels” (druga płyta zestawu), a zaraz po nich znowu starsze kawałki i bisy (trzecia płyta).
Ilu by tu gwiazdek dać…? Właściwie raczej powinno być bez oceny, bo jakoś trudno mi to racjonalnie oceniać. Ale dam osiem i nikt nie będzie poszkodowany. A ten żywiec na pewno na tyle zasługuje.
Wojciech Kapała
Legendary rock trio Rush will release their first new recording since being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame earlier this year. “RUSH: CLOCKWORK ANGELS TOUR” will include epic versions of songs rarely performed and never-before captured alongside newly reworked arrangements specifically for the legendary trio’s celebrated Clockwork Angels Tour. The DVD release include exclusive backstage tour documentary, sound-check footage, and tour film outtakes in addition to the 3 hour concert film
Rush released this new DVD to coincide with the release of the "Clockwork Angels Tour" live CD. The DVD concert content is identical apart from a few crowd moments and of course the special features. Onto the content of this extraordinary concert. First the good news, it is way better than the last DVD release where Geddy's voice did not cut the mustard. This time around the band have chosen songs Geddy can still sing so it is fairly much back to the retro 80s. At first I was worried about the choice of the band not to include classic 70s Rush such as Bytor, Working Man, and virtually anything from the 70s back catalogue. Without reservation the setlist they chose is a surprise and I must admit I grew to love this setlist for a number of reasons. The main reason is the versions of these songs are better than the studio versions, certainly heavier especially Alex Lifeson's lead breaks. The band clearly enjoy returning to the 80s and Geddy is far more comfortable in the voice range. These songs are less proggy than the 70s and far more straight forward in terms of musicianship, especially Neil Peart's drumming style, which is perhaps the reason he is given a plethora of opportunities to go solo and we are treated to very long drum solos on more than one occasion.
The set opens with Subdivisions and it powers along nicely, especially the wonderful synth stabs. I love how the crowd get into this gem from "Signals" mouthing every word. The band are decked out well, Geddy does not wear that Rash T shirt or the Blah Blah Blah design but instead has more serious black attire. Peart wears a "Clockwork Angles" design on his shirt and hat, and Alex is looking resplendent in his suit jacket over a star laden T. The band then launch into crowd pleasers from "Power Windows" The Big Money, Territories, and Grand Designs, the scathing critique on mainstream music. This track is one that has not been played live often and does not feature on the live "A Show of Hands" unlike the others. Also from "Hold Your Fire" is Force Ten, and from "Grace Under Pressure" is The Body Electric, and The Analog Kid from the wonderful "Signals" album. "Roll The Bones" track Bravado follows, then the band vacate the stage with its quaint popcorn machine working overtime, and Peart has a chance to shine on one of his trademark drum solos. Rather than use all his usual gimmickry and gadgets, he just rocks out with some incredible triplets and speed drumming on the snare and splashing cymbals. No doubt he is a master drummer and he is always seen to be so serious, unlike the other members of Rush who often goof about on stage with some hysterical choreography. Peart gets an ovation from the crowd after he plays with precision on Where's My Thing?/Here it is! And it is far different than the version on "Roll the Bones". This version is not the (Part IV, "Gangster Of Boats" Trilogy) version as you can understand as it is more or less a vehicle to give the band a breather and Peart drums up a storm, twirling his drumsticks, often throwing them in the air and always catching them. After this the band return for one more rocker before the half time break.
Easily the best song on Set One is Far Cry from "Snakes And Arrows" with fire balls and flames and some crazy lighting effects which are a taste of things to come in Set Two. The lighting is fairly subdued overall in Set One so that the band are able to take things up a step in the second set. Indeed, the lighting in Set Two is the best I have seen on a Rush DVD and really enhances the concert experience. The crowd really get into dancing and jiving and singing the lyrics, in particular note the group decked out in bright red whooping it up in the front row.
At some point in Set One a weird monkey arrives to take some popcorn and it is part of any Rush concert to have one of those moments. There have been clothes dryers where metal- heads come and get their T shirts, and frying chickens on a rotisserie in another concert. I like the popcorn idea, and the water tanks but the best thing about the set design is the Steam Punk décor of the stage. There are three huge video screens, one for each member and tons of fire and steam in the second set. The lights are glorious with rays of light and beams scanning the crowd and they flash in sync to the rhythms in wonderful multi- coloured arcs.
Onto Set Two which is the best part of the whole DVD. This is the Clockwork Angels Set with 9 cuts from the recent album. Hearing the tracks live is a wonderful experience for me personally as I adore the studio album. Some tracks are missing such as the two BU2B tracks but overall the album is here and some of these live versions are heavier and more innovative than the studio tracks. I especially love how the Clockwork Angels String Ensemble add to the mystique and magic of The Anarchist and Carnies. Headlong Flight is a definitive highlight and it is great to see Alex thrashing out that riff and spiralling into some incredible lead breaks. Geddy has some bass solos in the set and his voice is superb throughout as all the songs are well in his range, I mean he is pushing 60 now so who can blame him for not tackling Bytor and the Snow Dog these days. There is a drum solo on Headlong Flight called Drumbastica and Alex solos on Peke's Repose seguing into Halo Effect. The lights are spellbinding on Seven Cities of Gold, then the album is concluded with Wish Them Well, and the brilliant virtuoso The Garden, that Lee claims is his favourite and I dare say is not alone in that sentiment. It was nice to revisit the album again as I had not played it for a while and the live treatment of it is as good as it gets.
I have to mention too the String Ensemble's verve and enthusiasm as they really get into these songs, dancing, swaying, jumping and generally giving it one hundred percent in presentation as well as actual musicianship. One decadent girl in particular stands out with her gothic eye makeup and waggling tongue. The Ensemble really add something extra to the concert experience and are not drowned out by Rush. I was surprised that they did not include BU2B2 with the strings going solo with Geddy as it was an opportunity, though the worst track on the CA album no doubt. David Campbell was the conductor and he is no stranger to blending rock with classical music. Campbell has been involved in such diverse projects as either muso or arranger with Muse, Black Sabbath, Meatloaf, Biffy Clyro, Metallica, Maroon 5, The Mars Volta, Kiss, Paul McCartney, Neil Diamond, Def Leppard, Aerosmith, Alice Cooper and Carole King. His resume is overcrowded with classic moments such as his work on "Kiss Alive IV", The Mars Volta's "Frances the Mute", Metallica's "Death Magnetic" and Muse's "The 2nd Law". He is also the arranger on the "Clockwork Angels" studio album so it is great he can return to the live stage.
After a deserved standing ovation the band return to snippets of their back catalogue with Dreamline, the single from "Roll the Bones", and the band thank the String Ensemble who depart along with Alex and Geddy, then there is an oddity called The Percussor, which is actually a Peart drum solo in various sections, the best being Steambanger's Ball. Here Peart goes for the gadgetry on cymbals that sound like guitar chords and weird sounds on the blocks. He does not go for the cool jazz thing this time though and it sounds like a "Clockwork Angels" outtake. Surely he must be the most inventive drummer in terms of actual drumming style and gimmicks. He has a lot of fun with the crowd then the band return to belt out Red Sector A from "Grace Under Pressure". YYZ follows and is always welcome from "Moving Pictures" masterpiece, perhaps one that cannot be missed as a concert favourite. The version on "Rush in Rio" is the best but, as usual, the band are at their blistering best with those insane fractured rhythms and screaming lead breaks. The crowd absolutely freak out as the first riffs chime in of Spirit of Radio from "Permanent Waves". Everyone screams as usual when Geddy sings "Concert halls" and the lights splash across the crowd. The reggae section of the song is pronounced and especially the bassline of the song. This is certainly one of the highlights of the concert.
There is an encore and we see the band sprint away to some dark corner as the crowd roar for more and of course the band return to spread some icing on the cake. The encore consists of a grand version of classic rush with Tom Sawyer, always nice to hear another "Moving Pictures" track, though I would have preferred Limelight. The band turn back the clock as a starry scene appears on the screen and we are treated to the brilliant crunching irregular chords of 2112, a quintessential Rush jewel. It is the only 70s cut so we have to soak this up and bathe in its glorious splendour, with some cool animation at the intro with a humorous edge. It is not the full version of 2112 naturally, as that would be overdoing it I guess, but this is lengthy including, not just the intro and Temples of Syrinx, but some of the instrumental break from other parts of the song. It ends the first DVD in a veritable blaze of glory. After this Peart pelts off stage with some fan giving chase and the security lady turns to the camera in amazement.
DVD 2 continues the music with a soundcheck recording of Limelight (Yes! There it is, my favourite Rush song so I can't complain). It is virtually a karaoke version with Lee missing most lyrics out in the rehearsal. Then there is Middletown Dreams, a forgotten track from "Power Windows". Next it's The Pass, the greatest track from "Presto", with the band bathed in a pleasant blue light tinge. There are many crowd POV shots making us feel as though we were among them. This is followed by Manhattan Project also from "Power Windows", and the String Ensemble resurface to help out again with admirable skill. This song features some quirky animation, and it is a better version than the studio with some great violin and guitar work. Peart gives those snares a real workout too.
The Special features of Rush DVDs are always fun and here is no exception. We get to watch the films that the audience were treated to and they range from mildly amusing to delightfully clever, with the members of Rush having way too much fun as weirdo gnomes or oompa loompas with squeaky voices in a Steampunk setting. I would rather have seen a more serious animation of the album content though the babe action is worth a look, and this anime is not as stupid as some of the animations on "Snakes and Arrows". Other features are the obligatory documentary on the tour "Can't Stop Thinking Big", always a treasure to be a fly on the wall. The Behind the Scenes featuring Jay Baruchel offers some insight as to what went on in the tour, and the outtakes are funny enough, using green screens and really silly behaviour by all involved. There's an interview with Dwush, which is Rush dressed as those gnomes and it really is very silly; "are we getting paid for this?" Then there are some oddball moments such as Family Goy, that is animation with Rush look alikes and Family Guy style characters. Stewie wants to be Peart who feels misunderstood and wears a 2112 T. Snoopy, Ringo and Road Runner make bizarre cameos and there's a lot of toilet humour. Family Sawyer is also rather odd, more gnome action as the band play a wacky hillbilly instrumental version of Tom Sawyer. Overall the features are well worth checking out at least once. The Easter Egg is Alex's gross joke.
The DVD booklet has some attractive photos, with tour personnel listed, a pic of the flames rising near the String Ensemble, one pic of each Rush band member and some live pics. With 16 pages, more photos could have been included instead of all the tour crew lists, however it is nice to get any book these days as often none are provided. The DVD liner itself is a pic of the stage with Rush under a spectrum of light beams. The DVDs are designed with the beige and red colours that coincide with the "Clockwork Angels" CD colour scheme.
This is a great 2 DVD package, with clear clarity audio production, decent editing, gorgeous sumptuous coloured lighting and well executed features and menus. It is not as silly as the "Snakes and Arrows" menus but the band still have their moments of hilarity, though they are probably enjoying the films they make more than the audience. All in all it is a great DVD experience, clocking over 3 hours, and well worth shelling out for especially if you are weighing up between this and the CD version. It is better to view the band on stage playing these great tracks so this is the better option. The music is the same as on the CD so one is not missing out by purchasing the DVD. I recommend it as yet another awesome Rush DVD!
DVD 1:
Set One
1. Subdivisions
2. The Big Money
3. Force Ten
4. Grand Designs
5. The Body Electric
6. Territories
7. The Analog Kid
8. Bravado
9. Where's My Thing / Here It Is! (Drum Solo)
10. Far Cry
Set Two
11. Caravan
12. Clockwork Angels
13. The Anarchist
14. Carnies
15. The Wreckers
16. Headlong Flight / Drumbastica (Drum Solo)
17. Peke's Repose (Guitar Solo) / Halo Effect
18. Seven Cities Of Gold
19. Wish Them Well
20. The Garden
21. Dreamline
22. The Percussor (Drum Solo)
23. Red Sector A
24. YYZ
25. The Spirit Of Radio
26. Tom Sawyer
27. 2112
DVD 2:
1. Limelight (Soundcheck Recording)
2. Middletown Dreams
3. The Pass
4. Manhattan Project
Special Features:
5. Can't Stop Thinking Big (Tour Documentary)
6. Behind The Scenes (Featuring Jay Baruchel)
7. Outtakes
8. Interview With Dwush
9. Family Goy
10. Family Sawyer
11. The Watchmaker (Intermission Tour Film)
12. Office Of The Watchmaker (Closing Tour Film)
Vocals, Bass - Geddy Lee
Guitar, Vocals - Alex Lifeson
Drums - Neil Peart
Violin - Audrey Solomon, Entcho Todorov, Gerry Hilera, Hiroko Taguchi, Joel Derouin, Jonathan Dinklage, Mario De Leon
Cello - Adele Stein, Jacob Szekely
Conductor - David Campbell
SEED 14:30-23:00.
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